Friday, March 13, 2009

PAD 3-7-09 through 3-13-09

Sorry for the combined post, you know how it gets in the way.

3/13/09 - Just finished reading these books. If you are a science fiction fan like me, they are both good reads. But like any series, the early Pern novels are the best ones. Stardust is aimed at teens, so it's a nice light read.
3/12/09 - I've been having problems sleeping at night, so mid-afternoon naps have become a mainstay.

3/11/09 - My hubby, studying for his second Discrete Mathematics test (he did really well on it).
3/10/09 - Right now I'm re-playing Luigi's Mansion on the Wii.
3/9/09 - The eternal search for the otter. We know some people who have spotted, and have photographic evidence of, an otter in this pond near our apartment. We keep dropping by but have yet to spot him.
3/8/09 - We spotted a pair (male and female) of wild peacocks just outside of a park near our apartment. I wasn't able to get a great photo, but just seeing them was amazing. The male is on the roof in the right side of the photo, the female is on the ground in the left side of the photo.
3/7/09 - Just finished reading this series. It's a decent series if you like fantasy. But be aware, the last book in the series isn't out yet.